Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Banner: Cache issues when using Tomcat 8.x in an Eclipse development environment

Banner: Cache issues when using Tomcat 8.x in an Eclipse development environment

Testing Banner 9.x admin pages in an Eclipse development with Tomcat 8.x can result in problems with page data being cached.  Due to known Eclipse bugs, the "Serve modules without publishing" flag must be unchecked or Tomcat 8.x will not start up.  With that flag unchecked, users have reported annoying cache issues with changes not being picked up when testing.  Sometimes clearing the web browser cache manually or doing Tomcat -> Clean and Tomcat -> Clean Tomcat Work Directory will fix the issue, but not always.  The suggested work around is to switch to Tomcat 7.x for all testing done via Eclipse.  Once development work has been finished, the extensions and custom pages can later be deployed on a Tomcat 8.x server (outside of Eclipse) if desired.

Banner: Eclipse caching old code

Banner 9: Eclipse caching old code


- close  eclipse
- open eclipse
- refresh project
- refresh Webservice. HR
- maven update clean project

sometime need to to twice

Banner 9: Add Where clause into SQL query runtime

Banner 9: Add Where clause into SQL query runtime

public void fzvacct_BeforeQuery(QueryEvent args) {
  NString acctCode =  this.getFormModel().getKeyBlock().getAcctCode();
  if (acctCode != null && !acctCode.isEmpty()){
  ((IDBBusinessObject)args.getSource()).setWhereClause("ACCT_CODE = '"+acctCode+"' ");


Banner 9: Fix tab issue

Banner 9: Fix tab issue


Add NextItem into structure file and items should be same block


<Item CanvasName="FFRMASF_4_CANVAS" Id="FFRMASF_ACTV_CODE_LBT" MaxLength="4" Navigable="false" Type="Button" NextItem="FFRMASF_AMT" />


@ActionTrigger(action="KEY-NEXT-ITEM", item="LOCN_CODE_RESP", function=KeyFunction.NEXT_ITEM)
public void ffbmastLocnCodeResp_keyNexItem()



Friday, June 1, 2018

Banner 9: LOV box and LOV dialog

Banner 9: LOV box and LOV dialog

Create LOV, ValueSet RG

Banner 9: Hide Save button

Banner 9: Hide Save button

- Extend save button first

- Then hide it

Ellucian Banner 9: Disable Save function

Banner 9: Disable Save function

  -    - comment out Save event in controller

Banner 9 Admin: Error Invalid Object Name fix

Banner 9 Admin: Invalid Object Name fix

do steps:

A record in GUBOBJS with a UI Version of D.
• Records in GURAOBJ to define the default rule and the version and add the page to a Banner Security
Class, such as BANNER_GENERAL_C.
• Insert the page into GUBPAGE, you can use the form GUAPAGE. The GUBPAGE_GUBMODU_CODE
should be the one for the product admin pages.
• Insert Menu XML in the Banner Administrative Page Common common-libraries project, Main.Menu.Def.xml
file. The entry in the menu xml allows you to run the page without Application Navigator.
Insert a menuEntry for the new page so it can be run outside of Application Navigator:

  Values ('Form Name....', 'BAN_DEFAULT_M', 'banner login user....', SYSDATE, 'BANSECR_NUTTCS');

AWS how to delete VPC when it has error with Network interface , Gateway decencies

   how to delete VPC when it has error with Network interface , Gateway decencies  in AWS 1. Check if it is running on EC2 instance then Sto...